The Pontifical Institute of the Religious Teachers Filippini
is an Institute of consecrated life dedicated to the works of the Christian Apostolate. 

Faithful to the original inspiration of our Founders, St. Lucy Filippini and Cardinal Mark Anthony Barbarigo,
we continue to regard the ministry of the Christian education of youth and of adults, especially women, as our principal duty. 


Saint Jospeh Hall
Saint Joseph Hall, the health care center and Infirmary for our older sisters, is located within the proximity of the community chapel, and other buildings in Villa Walsh, which house our sisters, Provincial Offices, and Academy.

This centrality reflects the role of our older sisters in the life of our community. They sustain the sisters in the Apostolate through their prayers and sacrifices. They are witnesses to the fidelity of our Oblation and by their example encourage all of us to remain faithful to our calling.

Infirmary ChapelWithin the Infirmary, our sisters make constant visits to their chapel to pray before the Eucharistic Lord in contemplation for the needs of our community, our families and benefactors and for the needs of all people throughout the world. Their constant prayer is one for God’s mercy and peace in the world.

How does Saint Joseph Hall respond to the needs of the Filippini Sisters?
Sisters who need health care assistance:    

  • Receive quality care in an inviting, bright facility.   
  • Maintain the opportunity to stay within the boundaries of Community.
  • Participate in communal prayer and meals, if health conditions allow.
  • Enjoy picturesque and scenic surroundings.
  • Experience a safe, secure, and peace-filled setting.
  • Remain encircled by sisterly support; they are treated with love, dignity, and respect.

The Sisters have labored enthusiastically and steadily to promote the spirit and mission of Saint Lucy, touching the lives of thousands of children through education in faith and learning.

As we focus on caring for our ill and retired Sisters, we also look to our future and ask you to join us in prayer to the Lord of the Harvest for vocations to the Religious Teachers Filippini.

Every gift for Saint Joseph Hall will be recognized in our Hall of Blessings.

Located directly off the main lobby, the Hall of Blessings displays our Wall of Gratitude, Giving Tree, and other commemorative plaques.

The levels of giving are as follows:tree
Stone on the Giving Tree: $100,000 and Above
Builder on the Wall of Gratitude: $75,000 - $99,999
Flower on the Giving Tree: $50,000 to $74,999
Benefactor on the Wall of Gratitude: $25,000 to $49,000
Provider on the Wall of Gratitude: $10,000 to $24,999
Guardian on the Wall of Gratitude: $5,000 to $9,999
Leaf on the Giving Tree: $2,500 to $4,999
Sponsor on the Wall of Gratitude: $1,000 to $2,499
Recognition in a special book displayed in our Heritage Room: Under $1,000

Donations in excess of $50,000 will also be recognized on plaques designating specific rooms or items throughout Saint Joseph Hall.



Villa Walsh
455 Western Avenue ~ Morristown, New Jersey 07960
973.538.2886 X125